Tips For Securing Your Vehicle

I see time and time again on social media platforms, vehicles getting broken into, wallets and bags taken and I do often wonder, why would anyone leave things of value or hard to replace items in their vehicles, but unless it’s happened to you, or you work in the security industry or you have the ability to think like a thief, then why would you change the way you think?

We often have the “it won’t happen to me” mindset, so we don’t remove anything and more often than not it never happens to us!  I recently saw a poster for vehicle security on the WA Police website and thought it would be good to share these tips with you all, so we can all keep ourselves and property safe.

  1. Always park in secure areas.  If you’re out at night, ensure to park the vehicle in a well lit area, where other vehicles are also parked.
  2. Lock the vehicle using your key or remote and then put your key in a secure place (probably your pocket or handbag)
  3. Mark all your property using a UV pen (can be obtained through the WA Police website)
  4. Remove all valuables including wallets, bags, clothes and garage door remotes from the vehicle.  This also includes any paper work with private information such as your name and address.
  5. Fit anti-theft screws to your licence plates to stop someone stealing them, who might have a similar vehicle to yours.
  6. Report all motor vehicle crime or suspicious activity to police or Crime Stoppers.

One of the best tips I found was locking the vehicle using the key, this tip is actually very valuable for another reason, you can’t lock the keys in the car!  

I hope you can take one tip away from the list above, if you’re already applying these great tips – Well done and keep up the good work!

Tip number 6, report crime and suspicious behaviour to WA Police on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 and together lets try and keep us and our community safe and free from crime.

Article Credit: Altitude Locksmiths

Image Credits: Canva, WA Police and Altitude Locksmiths